Tienanmen Square 2019

Modern Day Political Prisoners. 180 days of unrest and protests has lead Hong Kong's future down a very dangerous path. With the recent barricading in the International University of Hong Kong, Police have made it clear that they will start to use force against their own people. Some of which have mentioned that they will be using live rounds of ammunition to make sure that protesters stay in line. This is not what a country spends its GDP for. This is not what a country defence force is for. No country should be spending its money on defence to protect itself from its own people. It has been instead used to protect the few people that sit in an ivory tower and dictate the lives of millions. Corruption and a global unwillingness to help the Hong Kong people will only result in one fate. Unfortunately we will see a 2019/2020 Tienanmen Square scenario, where the military of Hong Kong (which is comprised of mainly Chinese personal) will open live fire on protesters and leave be...