The Daily Struggle of the Fear of Failure.


Not wanting to get ahead of myself, I have always unintentionally had a fear of failing. It took a lot of courage and time for me to muster up myself to be even able to write anything in these blogs. Caring about what other people think about you or view you has been the root of my fear of failure.

Personally I think that the first step in overcoming this fear is understanding and identifying the root cause. The only way to truly identify and come to an understatement of your fear of failure is to talk to other people. It is important to discuss the issues you face with people you can trust and have them help you along the way. Instead of pushing everyone away, open up to only a few so that you can get a different perspective on yourself. A good friend or relative should be able to give you confidence in yourself and prop you up.

I had noticed that a lot of my friends had also started to lack the urge and will to make themselves better and had become complacent. I didn't realise until I met my girlfriend and she identified this to me that I had started to also notice that it was not only my friends but me too. My lack of drive and complacent attitude to life had really held me back. I had no longer cared if I did better or worse in small tasks and never tried to step out of my comfort zone. I was content with the few things that I had done every week and never really pushed myself or my boundaries.

I can only attribute this to becoming too comfortable with what I had which lead to a lack of confidence in my self and my ability to try new things. It was a viscous cycle that fed itself. My lack of confidence would feed my inhibition to try new things and potential fail to which me not trying new things and remaining complacent would only lead to lower my confidence even more.

One thing that started to help me overcome this fear and the lack of confidence in myself was to really push myself to try and do new things every day. Even if those things were microscopic and ultimately weren't that important it would help step by step. It could be as small as changing the route I took to get home or trying something I wouldn't regularly order at a restaurant, small differences in my life started to make big changes in myself and my confidence.


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